How To Change Your Guitar Practice Schedules

You can change your guitar practice schedule in three ways: either by adding/removing practice items, changing your available practice time or re-evaluating your skill and priority levels for each item. 

To remove an item from your guitar practice schedule, click on the blue button with three white lines that is located in the leftmost column of your schedule. To add another practice item to your schedule, open one of the folders in the table above your guitar practice schedule (by clicking on it) and press the button "Add To Schedule" for the specific item you want to practice.  This is shown in the picture below:

Add and remove items to guitar practice schedule


When you finish adding and removing items from your guitar practice schedule, press the buton: "Click Here To Get Your Practice Schedule". 

Get your guitar practice schedule


If you want to change your skill level  and/or priority level for any of the practice items, you can do so by clicking on the blue button with three white lines in the Schedule Item column next to the specific item you want to change. 

Change your guitar practice skill or priority level


Change your answers to the questions you will see in the pop up window that appears and click the  "Save" button. 

Change your guitar practice priority


After that, press the button "Click Here To Get Your Practice Schedule" to create a new guitar practice schedule. 

Get your guitar practice schedule


To change your available practice time after you already created a practice schedule, click the button: "Re-Enter Your Available Practice Time" that is located below your guitar practice schedule in the center:

Change your guitar practice time


Enter a different amount of time that you have available every day to practice into the area: "Enter Your Average Daily Practice Time" and below that, press the button: "Click Here To Get Your Practice Schedule".

Change your guitar practice time using these steps


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