Why Aren't There Specific Guitar Exercises In The Practice Generator?

After teaching guitar and music to hundreds of musicians over the last 20 years, I have found that most guitar players have no shortage of "materials" to practice. What they typically lack is a clear and effective way of putting all of those practice materials into a personalized guitar practice schedule that will provide powerful results and will evolve as your skills and strengths and weaknesses evolve over time. So instead of adding to the already overwhelming list of scales, arpeggios, licks, solos and exercises that is out there, the Practice Generator is the missing link that guitar players badly need to take all of their exercises and begin to make progress by practicing them efficiently and effectively.

If you are completely unsure of what you should be practicing, here is how to decide this:
  1. If you are a student in my online guitar lessons, I already give you the exact and specific practice items and assignments to work on. Your lessons contain the precise materials you need to be practicing at any given time in order to reach your musical goals. So use the Practice Generator to create  your guitar practice schedules with those items in order to make the most from every minute of your available guitar practice time.  Read the instructions on this page to learn how to add more items to the Practice Generator to include some of the more unique lesson materials you will receive from me. 
  1. If you are not a student of mine (or are not taking guitar lessons of any kind), first visit this musical goals page.  Follow the steps on that page to select the goals you want to reach and I will show you the primary steps and the secondary steps you will need to go through (and the items you need to practice) in order to become the guitar player you want to be.  This outline will make it clear for you which items you need to include into your guitar practice schedules right now.  In addition, check out this article.
  1. If you are studying with another guitar teacher, include the items you are being taught into the practice generator (see instructions on this page to learn how to do this) and these materials will be the most important things you should work on.


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